Using Twizzlers as Spoons
Posted by Debra C. Lowsky, MS, CCC-SLP on 18th Dec 2014
Feeding therapy tip: if a child won't eat with a spoon, use whatever he/she WILL accept. In this feeding session, for instance, the child's favorite spoon was at home and he didn't like any of the other spoons I had. So, I tried a twizzler and voila! He ate the entire container of food.

You can also try dipping a Grabber, Y-Chew, or ARK Probe into whatever the child's eating. Getting them to eat the food comes first. Getting them to use the right utensil can come later. For ideas on how to de-sensitize kids to plates, cups, utensils, etc., click here. .
Debra C. Lowsky, MS, CCC-SLP