Debbie's Blog
Chewing through Pencil Erasers
26th Jun 2018
Question: I am looking for chews to help my almost 10 year old son stop chewing up and swallowing erasers (both large pink pearl type erasers and erasers on pencils). I did get him a&nb
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An Overwhelming Need to Chew
Posted by Debra C. Lowsky, MS, CCC-SLP on 2nd Apr 2018
Question: Hi Debbie - I work at a school for children who have special needs. I serve a lot of students (many tube-fed) who really crave oral stimulation to the point that it is diff
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What Is Chewelry?
25th Sep 2017
Chewelry is jewelry that's chewable (chew + jewelry = “chewelry”). If you crave chewing on non-food items for any reason, chewable necklaces and bracelets are a way to safely satisfy tha
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Chewelry Halloween Costume Ideas
29th Aug 2017
Halloween is definitely a FUN holiday for most people! But sometimes it can also be stressful. On Halloween, it can seem like the world flips upside down. Monsters come alive, gob
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Alternatives for Nail Biting
26th Apr 2017
Question: My five-year-old has recently started biting his fingernails. I came across your site when trying to find a way to switch him away from that habit. I also bite my nails so I'd be inter
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