Debbie's Blog
Needing to Chew + Drooling
Posted by Debra C. Lowsky, MS, CCC-SLP on 9th Sep 2016
So my 8, almost 9 year old son loves your chewelry, especially your textured brick chewie. But what I'm finding lately is that it makes him drool like crazy!! He always drooled some bef
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Chewing on Straws
24th Aug 2016
Question: I have a student who chews on straws. What items would be the best for him?
Hello! We have what we call ‘polytubing straws’ - it's medical grade tubing that comes in 3 foo
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75+ Feeding Therapy Tips & Strategies
Posted by Debra C. Lowsky, MS, CCC-SLP on 15th Jun 2016
For any therapist seeking to specialize in feeding, the best piece of advice I could give you is to become a sponge. Take courses and workshops, read as many
articles as you can, talk to a
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Do Chew Tools Increase the Need to Chew?
Posted by Debra C. Lowsky, MS, CCC-SLP on 20th May 2016
Question: My son has ADHD and Anxiety, he spends a lot of time chewing/sucking on clothes, plastic, and other non- edible items. Would your chewies encourage this sensory seeking behavior or
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10 Tips for Kids Who Need to Chew - An Oral Sensory Diet
Posted by Debra C. Lowsky, MS, CCC-SLP on 11th Apr 2016
Have you ever craved crunchy foods? Or chewed gum? Ever chewed on your pen caps while concentrating or bit your fingernails when nervous? We all have oral sensory habits to s
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