
Debbie's Blog

Needing to Chew + Drooling

Posted by Debra C. Lowsky, MS, CCC-SLP on 9th Sep 2016

So my 8, almost 9 year old son loves your chewelry, especially your textured brick chewie. But what I'm finding lately is that it makes him drool like crazy!!  He always drooled some bef … read more

Chewing on Straws

24th Aug 2016

Question:  I have a student who chews on straws. What items would be the best for him? Hello! We have what we call ‘polytubing straws’ - it's medical grade tubing that comes in 3 foo … read more

75+ Feeding Therapy Tips & Strategies

Posted by Debra C. Lowsky, MS, CCC-SLP on 15th Jun 2016

For any therapist seeking to specialize in feeding, the best piece of advice I could give you is to become a sponge.  Take courses and workshops, read as many articles as you can, talk to a … read more

Do Chew Tools Increase the Need to Chew?

Posted by Debra C. Lowsky, MS, CCC-SLP on 20th May 2016

Question:  My son has ADHD and Anxiety, he spends a lot of time chewing/sucking on clothes, plastic, and other non- edible items. Would your chewies encourage this sensory seeking behavior or … read more