An Alternative for Fidgeters Who Like to Pick
Posted by Debra C. Lowsky, MS, CCC-SLP on 21st Apr 2016
Question: My son has Asperger Syndrome and severe ADHD. He has a picking problem and will pick his nails, credit cards, scabs etc. I am looking for something he can wear on his wrist he can fidget with instead. Do you have any recommendations of your products? Thank you in advance.
It sounds like our Brick Bracelet would be a perfect fit for that. It has bumps around the entire circumference that he can pick at, not unlike scabs. You could even take a box cutter and slightly start a cut at the base of one or more of the bumps to get it 'started' before you give it to him. That way he can pick at them and get the satisfaction of eventually being able to actually get some of the bumps off. Better the bumps than his nails, scabs, etc.

Giving him other ways to pick safely may help too. He can peel stickers for instance (they have re-stickable ones he could put on his binder for instance). Or you can have him help you peel vegetables for dinner, play with play dough, etc. .
Consulting with an OT (occupational therapist) if he doesn't already might be a good idea. .
I hope some of this helps!
All my best,
Debra C. Lowsky, MS, CCC-SLP